I am in intersection right now. Confused. I don't know what to decide. Either stepping forward or backward, there will be consequences.
Then, yesterday, I watched Mahabharat. King Jarasandha said something that feels like a slap on my face.
Jika seseorang tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk berperang, memaksakan diri untuk berperang adalah kebodohan. Kebodohan.
I remembered two years ago, when my life was exactly like this, being in intersection. I didn't know what to decide.
At that time, my bestfriend said,"Jalan ke suatu tempat itu ngga selalu lurus. Kadang harus belok dulu baru sampe tujuan."
Seems like guidance are everywhere. Seems like Allah sent people to remind me the most important thing I miss. But I am not sure. Yet. So, today, right before my boyfriend went home, I asked him.
"Apa aku melakukan hal yang benar?"
"Apa aku melakukan hal yang benar?"
And he, who sometimes answers my question with nothing but riddles, replied with words that even more convincing than all of the things he's ever said to me.
"Kalau kamu melakukan hal yang benar, hatimu pasti akan terasa tenang."
Now you know why I love him :')
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