25 August 2014

Mulan is Writing Her Thesis in Agrabah

Posted by Icha Anindya at Monday, August 25, 2014 0 comments
If you have been a 'mahasiswa' before, you surely know how it feels to be in a 'mahasiswa lost days', especially when you're finishing your thesis and about to face the final examination. And as you might have guessed, I am in completely lost days lately. I'm even too dizzy to find the appropriate English word for 'mahasiswa'. Doh.

Ok, just let me tell you how this day went briefly.

Since I consulted all my penguji (here, another lost-word. *sigh*) last Friday and couldn't find the best day and time to have my thesis examination, I got a bit overconfused and asked my boyfriend to come this day. Then about an hour later, I tried to text them again and... I was still lost, actually I still am. My boyfriend kinda force me to take a break for awhile and we spent the entire afternoon by watching Mas Aang and friends.

Now I can still feel the ultimate metal gear spinning so fast inside my head. Even romantic scene in Jodha Akbar just now couldn't slow it down. So I decided to spend my spare evening time by taking some random quizzes on blogs.disney.com. Quite amusing. Here are the results.

 First, I am Princess...

Frankly speaking, I... am not Mulan. I will prefer Jasmine. However, in fact she is a very adventurous person which is... not me either :p Well, Mulan is true to her heart. That is what I'm trying to do everytime. So, Mulan suits me quite well, except the dragon-and-cricket part. Hehe :p

Next, the prince who will be my prom date is...

Errrrr... Can I get Aladdin, please? I don't like Phillip. He is too... prince. I mean, yes, he is polite and intellectual and so on, but I prefer someone who laughs more often, someone who offers more surprises, not just be able to sing or do horseriding. Sorry, Phil :(

Then, me and my significant other will be a couple like...

Hohoho... Perhaps this is true. I dare say that me and my boyfriend are a happy-go-lucky pair, kinda norak actually. But we seldom wear matching outfits, very seldom *lol* But I can assure you that we're as cheerful as Mickey and Minnie. Lots of laugh :))

Next, here is the wedding I ever dream of...

Whoo-hoo!! Tangled!! So colourful and musical and lots of funny things. Very cheerful. That is going to be sooo awesome!! :D

Last, as a princess I will live in...

Yaaaaaaaaaaayyy, finally I got Agrabah!!!! Can you imagine living in a kingdom where my prince charming Aladdin lives? I can visit him anytime and have plenty of romantic magic-carpet-riding session. Yaaaaaaaayy!!!!!!!! \^^/

But... Mulan in Agrabah? Seriously? :)))

Well, those are the results of the random quizzes I've just taken. I just thought it was a good way to get rid of thesis crisis for awhile. Too bad, I have to go bck to reality tomorrow. But I need to settle the date-and-time problem immediately. Wish me luck!! :)

Update on Tuesday, August 26:
I took another quizzes and here are the results.

My personal theme song is...

Yes!! Everybody knows how much I love this song. I hope this song will also be my wedding song, but when I took the quiz, my wedding song will be...

What else can I say? This is another romantic song. One of the best I guess. So ye, I'm gonna play this song on my wedding reception :)

3 August 2014


Posted by Icha Anindya at Sunday, August 03, 2014 0 comments
I am in intersection right now. Confused. I don't know what to decide. Either stepping forward or backward, there will be consequences.

Then, yesterday, I watched Mahabharat. King Jarasandha said something that feels like a slap on my face.

Jika seseorang tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk berperang, memaksakan diri untuk berperang adalah kebodohan. Kebodohan.

I remembered two years ago, when my life was exactly like this, being in intersection. I didn't know what to decide.

At that time, my bestfriend said,"Jalan ke suatu tempat itu ngga selalu lurus. Kadang harus belok dulu baru sampe tujuan."

Seems like guidance are everywhere. Seems like Allah sent people to remind me the most important thing I miss. But I am not sure. Yet. So, today, right before my boyfriend went home, I asked him.

"Apa aku melakukan hal yang benar?"

And he, who sometimes answers my question with nothing but riddles, replied with words that even more convincing than all of the things he's ever said to me.

"Kalau kamu melakukan hal yang benar, hatimu pasti akan terasa tenang."

Now you know why I love him :')

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